
Bizerte (Tunisie) : promotion foncière et immobilière et croissance de l'espace urbanisé

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1994




Abstract EN:

The promotion of the public and private capitalistic real estate in bizerte, falled to satisfy all of the demands coming from the diverse social classes, even though this promotion played an important role in the production of urbanized land and real properties. Consequently, a few non-capitalistic private channels are operating, attracting mostly the demands that the official channels cannot satisfy. There are some obstacles to the ongoing promotion of the public and capitalistic real estate in the area of bizerte : the promoters have little land avallable to them and they are unable to increase their land reserve due to the rarity of urbanized lands as well as the increase real estate speculation ; inability of the middle et lower classes to own real property because of insufficient loan facilities and high prices : finally, lack of demands coming from solvable sources that could stimulate this sector. The growth of urbanized lands recorded at the end of the seventies in most of themiddle sized cities across tunisia was also seen in bizerte, but later on than in the other cities. This delay in the growth pattern is mostly due to the particularities of bizerte's urbanization. Indeed, it has been profoundly influenced by the french colonization, and these characteristics are still acting. In this area, many actors are operating in real estate, and the promoters have played an important role in the growth of the urbanized land.

Abstract FR:

La promotion fonciere et immobiliere publique et capitaliste privee, malgre l'importance de son role dans la production du sol urbain et du logement a bizerte, n'a pu satisfaire la totalite de la demande emanant des differentes classes sociales. En consequence, plusieurs filieres non-capitalistes privees se sont developpees, attirant a leurs profits une grande partie de la demande exclue du marche officiel. Plusieurs obstacles entravent le developpement du secteur promotionnel public et capitaliste prive a bizerte : epuisement des reserves foncieres des promoteurs et leurs incapacites a reconstituer ces reserves a cause de la rarete des terrains urbanisables et du developpement de la speculation fonciere ; incapacite des classes moyennes et basses d'acceder a la production immobiliere du secteur promotionnel suite a la hausse des prix des logements et a l'inadequation du systeme de credits ; enfin, inexistence d'une demande solvable capable de dynamiser ce secteur. La croissance de l'espace urbanise enregistree des la fin des annees 70, avec un certain retard par rapport aux autres villes tunisiennes moyennes, reflete la particularite de l'urbanisation de bizerte qui a subi une profonde influence coloniale, dont les repercussions continuent jusqu'a nos jours, mais aussi reflete la multiplicite des acteurs et le role important des promoteurs dans la croissance de l'espace urbain.