La mobilite residentielle dans l'agglomeration nantaise depuis 1970
Abstract EN:
The space of residentiel mobility is a complexe phenomenon. It exists as a reality involving physical space on the one hand and human choises on the other. The methodology used is inscribed in a geographical optic that giver great importance to the concept of actor. The present study was undertaken in the agglomeration of nantes. It's neither a unique accouting of the immigration flows, nor is it a simple projective study of these very flows. It is rather an attempt to get at the meaning of space and to apprehend the phenomenong of moving house, from and to the town centre, from the town centre to the suburbs and vice versa. . . The heterogeneity of space is manifest through the constition of different residential trajectorisies.
Abstract FR:
L'espace de la mobilite residentielle est pour la geographie un objet total : il existe comme articulation, renvoyant l'une sur l'autre une realite physique et un espace vecu. La comprehension de cet objet requiert plusieurs approches, nous nous sommes attaches a etudier le phenomene de la mobilite residentielle. La methode utilisee s'inscrit dans les schemas d'une geographie humaine privilegiant le concept d'acteur. L'etude ici menee l' a ete a nantes agglomeration. Il ne s'agit pas ici d'un seul historique des flux migratoires, ni d'une simple etude projective des deplacements des populations, mais d'un travail de comprehension des mobilites residentielles affetuees : du centre au centre, du centre a la banlieue, de la banlieue au centre. . . Etc. L'evidence de l'homogeneite de l'espace est ici mise a mal par la complexite des trajectoires humaines, des histoires de vie des acteurs qui l'investit. The space of residentiel mobility is a complexe phenomenon. It exists as a reality involving physical space on the one hand and human choises on the other. The methodology used is inscribed in a geographical optic that giver great importance to the concept of actor. The present study was undertaken in the agglomeration of nantes. It's neither a unique accounting of the immigration flows, nor is it a simple projective study of these very flows. It is rather an attempt to get at te meanning of space and to apprehend the phenomenong of moving thouse, from and to the town centre, from the town centre to the suburbs and vice versa. . . The heterogeneity of space is manifest through the constition of different residential trajectorisies.