L'échec scolaire des enfants maghrébins à Gennevilliers
Paris 8Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Outwork focuses on theschooling of children from north africa in the french educational system. It is made up of two types of research - one based on theory and the other on work done in the field. In each case, we have distinguished two parts. In the first part, the theoretical work describes the history and evolution of immigration from north africa into france. Essentially gennevilliers. The second part is mainly devoted to the schooling of children and young people from north africa in the french educational system, and more particularly in gennevilliers. In this part, we deal with the various problems encountered by schoolchildren from a disadvantaged background, in particular those of foreign origin. As far as our research in the field is concerned, we conducted two types of survey. First, we interviewed people in seven schools, those interviewed being fifty-one primary school teachers, six headmasters, seven members of the gppa (group for psycho-pedagogic assistance). Sixty-two pupils from north africa and twenty familles from north africa. Secondly, we made direct observations in two secondary school classes with pupils of mainly north african origin.
Abstract FR:
Le theme de notre travail porte sur la scolarisation des enfants maghrebins dans le systeme educatif francais. Il comporte deux types de recherche, une theorique et l autre de terrain. Dans les deux cas nous avonsdistingue deux parties. La premiere partie du travail theorique decrit l historique et l evolution de l immigration maghrebine et a gennevilliers. La deuxieme est consacree esentiellement a la scolarisation des enfants et des jeunes d origine maghrebine dans l enseignement francais et en particulier a gennevilliers. Dans cette partie nous traitons les differents problemes que rencontre la population scolaire de milieu defavorise. Notammant celle d origine etrangere. Quant a notre recherche de terrain, nous avons mene deux types d enquete. Nous avons d abord realise des entretiens dans sept etablissements aupres de 51 enseignements du primaire, 6 chefs d etablissements, 7 membres du groupe d aide psychopedagogique, 62 eleves maghrebins de cm2 et 20 familles maghrebines. Notre deuxieme recherche de terrain se presentait sous frome d observations cliniques dans deux classes de cm2 frequentees essentiellement par des eleves maghrebins.