Crèche et devenir scolaire
Paris 8Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
From the elementary form in primary school, difficulties and lag behing reach 29% of children who have spent four years in a nursery school and 44% when they have only spent one year. What happens then if a child benefits from kindergarten (from 3 months to 3 years) before nursery school? the autor has made an unique study of this problem in france and belgium which concludes that 90,7% of children who have been to kindergarten are at the right level throughout their schooling. It seams that nursery school and kindergarten are especially beneficial to the children of economical desadvantaged falilies. Standing away from the fanatics of a precocious education which is detremental to the balance of a small child, kindergarten offers a structure for childhood equiped with professional staff who, whithen an educational climate designed for the awakening and the fulfilment of children, prioritize their psychomotor development and their autonomous activity without encouraging elitist achievement. This study concludes on the necessity of a continuous educational reception of early childhood, as in important factor for the well-being of children. . .
Abstract FR:
Des la fin du cours preparatoire, les retards scolaires touchent 29% des enfants ayant frequente l'ecole maternelle pendant quatre ans et 44% si cette frequentation n'a dure qu'un an. Qu'en est-il lorsque l'enfant a frequente la creche avant la maternelle? l'auteur a mene sur cette question une enquete inedite en france et en belgique. Il en resulte que 90% des enfants ayant frequente la creche ont eu en parcours scolaire sans incident. Le sejour a la creche puis a la maternelle s'avere particulierement benefique pour les enfants familles de condition modeste. Se situant a l'oppose des partisans de l'instruction precoce abusive, nefaste pour l'equilibre du petit etre, la creche, etablissement de la petite enfance dote d'une equipe de professionnels, s'attache, dans un climat educatif d'eveil et d'epanouissement, au developpement psychomoteur des petits, a leur activites autonome, sans viser des performances elitistes. L'etude conclut a la necessite d'un accueil educatif continu des la petite enfance, comme facteur essentiel de l'adaptation scolaire.