Production et transformation de l'espace urbain nantais, de la revolution a la seconde guerre mondiale : systemes et processus
Abstract EN:
The growth of the town was not so much dictated by the natural geography of the site, as by the existence of the port which drew the town downstream, and the determination of local dignitaries to contain it within the territorial limits of the commune, the identification of the interests of the town with those of the port results from a gross exaggeration of the role attributed of the latter in terms of its importance on the estuary as well as nationally or even internatio naly. This mythical notion is common to all social groups. It nonetheless allowed the decision-makers to obtain wholehearted support for their plans. Throughout this period the local authorities remained almost identical in composit ion, but the scope of their decision-making, their social makeup and the conception they had of their own role varied greatly. A liberal phase, gave the essential role to private initiative in the genesis of the new urban areas. In the following phase, that of the welfare state, the local authorities were seen to intervene more and more, either directly or through their planning activities. However, throughout this period, the local authorities showed that they were a force to be reckoned with, able to impose their will, on the government for example.
Abstract FR:
La croissance de la ville a ete moins contrainte par les donnees physiques du site que le tropisme du port qui la tire vers l'aval, et la volonte des acteurs publics de la contenir dans les limites du territoire communal. L'identification des interets de la ville a ceux du port est le resultat d'une veritable mythification du role qu'est cense jouer ce dernier aussi bien au niveau de l'estuaire qu'a l'echelon national voire international. Cette mythification traverse tou s les groupes sociaux. Elle a permis aux decideurs d'obtenir une adhesion sans reserve a leurs projets d'amenagement por tuaire. Le pouvoir local est reste a peu pres identique dans sa composition au cours de la periode. Mais l'amplitude de son champ decisionnel, sa composition sociale et la conception qu'il a de son propre role ont beaucoup varie. Une phase liberale donne a l'initiative privee le role essentiel dans la genese des nouveaux espaces urbains. La phase suivante, celle de l'etat providence , montre une intervention croissante du pouvoir local, directement ou a travers son activite planificatrice. Cependant, tout au long de la periode, le pouvoir local se laisse voir comme une realite capable d'imposer ses choix, en particulier face a l7etat.