Usages linguistiques chez une population de jeunes issus de l'immigration
Abstract EN:
After considering the relationships maintained between the migrant children here in france and both their mother tongue language and the + host's language ; (french in this case) i have come to the conclusion that there is an unbalanced bilingualism in the sense that use of the mother tongue language is very limited. This is despite that in most cases the latter seems to be (according to a self-rating scale procedure) well known by the majority of the instances forming the sample studied. This assumption, is being reinforced by a factoral analysis of correspondances that establishes various links between the attitudes hel toward the two languages: moroccan arabic and french, on the one hand and, on the other hand, the language proficiency and language use. The families that have been questioned in this study seem to manage a situation that i have qualified of being diglossic. French language being more favoured and highly recognized for its essential role in the scholastic success and the social promotion of children. As for the mother tongue language, it seems to be perceived as a means of unification with their population and their culture of origin. It is more importantly regarded and invested as an undeniable dimension representative of the identity of the group.
Abstract FR:
Nos observations sur les rapports aux langues : langue d'origine/langue d'accueil, chez des jeunes issus de l'immigration marocaine en france, revelent un bilinguisme desequilibre en ce sens ou l'emploi de la langue d'origine est restreint. Meme si, a travers l'auto evaluation des competences, la connaissance de cette langue semble etre acquise par la majorite des sujets de l'enquete. Les resultats d'une analyse factorielle des correspondances, mettant en relation les attitudes a l'egard des deux langues : l'arabe marocain et le francais, la competence et l'utilisation des langues ont aussi confirme ces constatations. Les familles interrogees semblent gerer une situation que nous avons qualifiee de diglossie ou le francais est valorise et reconnu dans son role essentiel dans la reussite scolaire et la promotion sociale des enfants. La langue d'origine semble etre percue comme moyen de rattachement a la population et la culture d'origine et surtout investie en tant que dimension indeniable de l'identite de ce groupe.