D'un "cursus individualisé" en école normale au "tutorat" en IUFM ou d'un malentendu à l'autre : une avancée vers la professionnalité
Paris 8Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The obsolete pedagogical tradition of training colleges has been emphasised by the creation of the iufms. During the two years of transition from one structure to the next the two models of differenciarton have coexisted. The present research, of ethnographical character, is an attempt at defining the main characteristics of curriculum differenciation that belonged to the training colleges and of 'tutorat', a tutorial practice proper to the iufms. It will point to the changes that suh practice represents for the trainee. The research, started in an atmosphere of agitation saw a gradual normalisation taking place and the emergence of a number of misunderstandings: the trainees' expectations of professional training do not meet the views of the trainers; likewise, they experience differenciation in a way which differs from that offered by the institution for it is not directly transferable to the classroom. In reality, both types of institutions present more than one model of differenciation. For trainees from former training colleges leaning their job meant acquiring immediately transferable skills without the need of theory and consequently creating an 'underground' network of models. The new trainees in the iufms like both theory and practice although they do not make the link and wish for their professionalim to establish itself through action. The practice of 'tutorat' consisting in support for practice analysis and the writing of a professional dissertation develops their capacity for self analysis and distanciation. It inscribes their training in a tinie perspective and skilfully leads them through delayed problem- solving to build their own links between theory and practice. This activity, as it is framed within technical poles, tends to develop the trainee's skills to become a reflexive semi- professional as well as bring back to the training centre an important and original part of differenciation on which practice wil be defined. .
Abstract FR:
Les iufm ont rendu obsolete la tradition pedagogique des ecoles normales. Le passage de la seconde structure a la premiere a fait se juxtaposer chacune, deux annees durant, avec une conception propre du traitement de l'individualisation. La presente recherche de type ethnographique, axee sur les formes tente de degager les caracteristiques du "cursus individualisation, propre a l'ecole normale dont il est question, et du "tutorat, propre a l'iufm, afin de determiner quelles transformations le tutorat a pu generer. D'un climat de travail trouble en debut de recherche vers une normalisation d'action apparente ensuite, de nombreux malentendus emergent: le desir d'appropriation professionnelle des formes ne rencontre pas les vues des formateurs a ce sujet, l'individualisation vecue par les formes n'est pas celle qui est officiellement mise en place et n'est pas directement transferable en primaire. En realite, ces deux structures cachent plusieurs formes d' individualisation. Les formes de type ecole normale veulent "modeliser" pour savoir faire sans delais et, dans une perspective de metier, rejettent la theorisation et creent un "reseau souterrain formatif" selon leurs conceptions. Les formes iufm apprecient terrain et theorie sans les lier et souhaitent un ancrage professionnel d'action. Le tutorat : analyse de pratiques et memoire professionnel, developpe chez eux une dynamique, une reflexion auto-analytique distante, il les inscrit dans une historicite formative et les conduit habilement a construire personnellement des aspects de la relation theorie-pratique par la resolution differee de situations-problemes. L'activite ainsi cadree vers des poles techniques tend a developper chez le forme les competences d'un semi-professionnel reflexif tout en ramenant vers le centre de formation une part importante et novatrice de l'individualisation, a partir de laquelle la pratique pourrait se positionner.