L'universite simon rodriguez, un modele innovateur - canoabo ou la fin de l'utopie
Paris 10Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The objective of this thesis is to analyze an innovative model of higher education where the three main goals are : to accomodate a greater number of students at a lower cost; to establish a real relationship between the university, the production, and the job market; to create its own financial support system. The innovation is hereby considered as a programmed change in an "under-developed" country, where all governments' objective is to make the jump from an "under-developed" to a "developed" country. The university is divided into nuclei, placed on different areas of the country. The nucleus analyzed, no. 7, at canoabo, is located in a rural area, and its designed intent is to become the hub of the social and economical development of the area. At the first approach to the terrain of study, it was determined that the activities practiced at the nucleus did not correspond to its designed intent or the innovative methods proposed by the university. Under these conditions, the analysis was based on the study of the process followed by the university as whole, and the nucleus in particular. Through these analysis it was determined that there were contradictions between the objectives of the authorities in education, that we will call "political", and the objectives pertinent to the nucleus of canoabo. Therefore, at the moment of making decisions where the two kinds of objectives played a role, the political objectives prevailed. (. . . )
Abstract FR:
L'objectif de cette these est d'analyser un modele innovateur dans l'enseignement superieur dont les trois grands buts sont d'accueillir plus d'etudiants a des moindres couts; etablir des liens reelles entre l'universite, la production et le marche du travail, ainsi que la creation des sources des fonds propres. L'innovation considere comme un changement programme, encadre dans une strategie generale de developpement, dans un pays dont le but declare de tous les gouvernements est le saut du "sous-developpement" au "developpement". L'universite est divisee en noyaux, localises dans differentes regions du pays. Le noyau analyse, no. 7, localise a canoabo, se trouve en milieu rural et son objectif declare est de se convertir en moteur du developpement social et economique de la region. Dans un premier approche sur le terrain, on a pu constater que les activites pratiquees dans le noyau ne correspondaient pas aux objectifs declares de celui-ci ni aux methodes innovatrices proposees par l'universite. Dans ces conditions, l'analyse a ete basee sur l'etude du processus suivi par l'universite dans son ensemble et par le noyau en particulier. A travers ces analyses on a constate qu'il y avait des contradictions entre les objectifs qu'on a apelle "politiques", des autorites de l'education, et les objectifs specifiques du noyau de canoabo. Ceci dit, au moment de prendre des decisions ou etalent en jeu ces deux genres d'objectifs, c'etaient les objectifs politiques qui avaient la priorite. (. . . )