
Entrepreneurs et croissance urbaine dans une ville moyenne de l'Inde : exemple de Pollachi, district de Coimbatore, Tamilnadu

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1997



Bordeaux 3



Abstract EN:

Pollachi a medium town of coimbatore district (tamlinadu) experienced between 1921 and 1991 a very high growth. Its population move from 11 875 inhabitants to 127 180. The development and diversification of the economy of the town are 2 stiking facts in that evolution. Up to the 70's the small industries were in an embryonic state. They are now becoming a full part of the economy of the town. Such an evolution attests the presence of entrepreneurs in the town. Thanks to their entreprises they are the mainsprings of the transformation of the town. This change is our first topic. The second one is the study of the entrepreneurs of the town. - all the persons who risked a capital as small it is are considered as entrepreneurs- the first stage of this analyse is an investigation in their familial and socio-economic background. This investigation shows that most of them belongs to the kongu vellala gounder caste and are landlords. The motivations for the establishment of the entreprises were of socio-economic order : will of economic diversification, to make use of idle funds ; or personal oder : to make use of technical and professional skills. The third stage of the study deals withe the entreprises. First we analyzed their creation : the origins of the capitals, the status of the entreprises, the kind of activity. Then we enquired in their daily life and economic results. In this way the problems encountered by the entrepreneurs came up. They can be summed up as did most of the entrepreneurs in : "lack of business". Sometimes there is such a "lack of business" that the entrepreneurs are enable to put back money in their business and are obliged to satisfy themselves with low incomes. Such situations lead to chronic debt. Problems are also generated by over competition, mismanagements due to a lack of education. Nevertheless there are some succes among the entrepreneurs of the town mainly among the clinic owners as well among the agro-industrialists. These problems can be solved by carrying on the development and the diversification of the economy of the town, improving the standard of education of the entrepreneurs and as far as small industries are concerned by improving the quality of the productions. Thanks to the increase in the number of entreprises pollachi turned from a market town into a medium town able to divert immigrants from coimbatore.

Abstract FR:

En inde, comme dans de nombreux pays en voie de developpement, les progres de l'urbanisation se sont traduit par une croissance spectaculaire des plus grands foyers urbains. Les petites et moyennes villes sont tres souvent les laissees pour compte de ce processus. Pollachi, ville d'importance secondaire du district de coimbatore, est l'exception qui confirme cette regle. Depuis 1921 sa population est passee de 11 875 habitants a 127 180 en 1991 fait plus remarquable, cette croissance s'est accompagnee d'un developpement et d'une diversification de l'economie locale. Les activites traditionnelles : negoce des intrants et des produits agricoles, et les transports sont en plein essor. Depuis les annees 1970 le secteur artisano-industriel jusqu'alors embryonnaire est en expansion. Cette evolution temoigne de la presence dans la ville d'entrepreneurs. Ils sont, par les entreprises qu'ils ont creees, les moteurs de la transformation de pollachi. L'etude de cette "communaute" a dans un premier temps retenu notre attention. Les origines socio-economiques de ses membres, les motivations qui aboutirent a la creation d'entreprises ont ete analysees. Le troisieme volet de notre travail est consacre aux entreprises. Nous nous sommes successivement interesse aux conditions de leur creation et a leur vie. Par ce biais, les principaux problemes auxquels sont confrontes les entrepreneurs se sont reveles. Problemes financiers parfois insolubles conduisant a l'endettement chronique, problemes engendres par une insuffisante diversification des activites et une saturation de certaines branches. Ces difficultes se traduisent par de faibles volumes d'affaires nombre d'entrepreneurs ont des revenus tres modestes. D'autres, notamment les proprietaires de cliniques, affichent de belles reussites. L'etude des entreprises temoigne des forces et faiblesses de l'economie de pollachi. Malgre sa recente evolution l'agriculture et les activites qui lui sont liees conservent leur importance. La solution aux difficultes actuelles passe par une poursuite du processus de diversification de l'economie de la ville.