
La relation educative au cycle primaire congolais. ( conditions de realisation et implications )

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1997







Abstract EN:

The african french-speaking states - among wich congo-have inherited a structural as well as functional educational system from the "ancienne metropole francaise". These schemes of educational management wich used to correspond with given educational policies and with specific socioeconomic conditions, continue to function before in a good number of areas up to the present day. Since 1960, when the country got its independence and 1965 when education in congo was nationalized, the context of the application of educational strategies has naturally and notoriously varied. Thus we are witnessing an inadequacy of socioeducational "acts" - in the broad sense of the term - faced with the contextual realities in progress, whereas henceforth the consequences which follow from this become apparent day by day in an alarming way. By using basic yet substantial methods, consisting of questioning, meetings, interviews. . . , within educational circles said to be "actif" and regarding teachers moving in the public utilities of "education nationale", followed by an observation of the relational situation in classrooms, we have attempted to inquire into the socio-educational implications of the present situation.

Abstract FR:

Les etats africains francophones - le congo par exemple-, ont herite de l'ancienne metropole francaise, une <organisation> a la fois structurelle et fonctionnelle en matiere d'education. Ces schemas de gestion educative, qui correspondaient a des politiques educatives donnees, et a des conditions socio-economiques specifiques, continuent de fonctionner, a la limite tels quels, dans bon nombre de secteurs, jusqu'a ce jour. Or, en 1960, date des independances, et 1965, date de la nationalisation de l'enseignement au congo, les contextes d'application des strategies educatives ont naturellement et notoirement varie ; et l'on assiste a une inadequation des <actes> socio-educatifs au sens large, face aux realites contextuelles en cours, et les consequences qui en decoulent se traduisent dorenavant de jour en jour, de maniere alarmante. A partir d'une approche modeste, faite de questionnements, d'entretiens, d'interviews. . . , en milieux enseignants dits <actifs>, et enseignants evoluant dans les services administratifs de l'education nationale ; puis d'une observation de situations relationnelles en salles de classes, nous avons tente de nous enquerir des implications socio-educatives de la realite actuelle.