Les societes rurales face a une experience de developpement : le cas de la semry dans l'extreme-nord, du cameroun
Montpellier 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The semry (society for the expansion and modernization of the rice plantations of yagoua) is one of the many development projects created in subsaharian africa during the colonisation period and reinstated once independence was obtained. The goals set to this managing structure by public authorities was, on the one hand, to produce enough irrigated rice, in order to meet national needs in that respect and, on the other hand, to improve the living conditions of rural populations in the far north of cameroon through the income which would result from the sale of rice. Thanks to the proper management of irrigation water resources, the use of crop trays anhd the pricking out technique, production experienced a steady growth up to the mid-eighties. But, very soon, the semry had to face two major issues : its remote location from the consumption market in the south of the country and rice imports. The transfer of competence to the rural community and the liberalization of the rice trade become matters of concer for the people sho were expecting more social welfare from the state and feel they have been left. Aside. The regional development which was to follow the setting-up of the project is still far below the level shich was expected by political authorities.
Abstract FR:
La semry (societe d'expansion de la riziculture de yagoua) fait partie des nombreux projets dse developpement crees en afrique subsaharienne pendant la periode coloniale et rehabilites apres les independances. Les objectifs fixes par les pouvoirs publics a cette structure d'encadrement etait d'une part de produire suffisamment du riz irrigue afin de couvrir les besoins nationaux dans ce domaine et d'autre part, d'ameliorer les conditions de vie, des populations rurales de l'extreme - nord du cameroun, grace a un revenu monetaire obtenu, de la vente du riz. Grace a la maitrise de l'eau destinee a l'irrigation des casiers de culture et a la technique du repiquage, la production a connu une croissance reguliere jusqu'au milieu des annees 1980. Mais tres vite, la semry dut faire face a deux problemes majeurs : sa position excentree par rapport au marche de consommation situe dans le sud du pays et les importations de riz. Le transfert des competences au monde rural et la liberalisation de la filiere rizicole inquitent aujourd'hui des populations qui attendaient plus de l'etat en matiere de bien-etre social et qui eprouvent un sentiment d'abandon. Le developpement regional qui devait suivre la mise en place du projet est encore loin du niveau espere par les responsables politiques.