Formation a la resolution de problemes de mathematiques dans le deug scientifique
Paris 11Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
This thesis presents the results of a research on the teaching of methods as an aid to the students in the resolution of mathematical problems in scientific deug (first two years of university studies in natural sciences). On the basis of these results i make some propositions to ameliorate the problem solving capacity of the students in this level, notably in the field of probabilities. I present the results of some essays of this method, which appear to be encouraging besides, this research suggests a first classification of the difficulties that this type of teaching meets ; they may be grouped in four types : a) ignorance of the students about the formalisms which are necessary in posing and solving mathematical problems ; b) bad habits created by previous non adecuate teaching ; c) inefficient interelationship between teachers and students (bad communication, loosely defined pedagogical contract, etc. ) ; d) teaching non adapted to the cognitive situation of the students (bad corrdination of the different levels of studies).
Abstract FR:
La these presente les resultats d'une recherche sur l'enseignement des methodes comme aide a la resolution de problemes de mathematiques en deug scientifique. Je propose, en vue des resultats observes pendant la recherche, une methodologie de formation a la resolution de problemes de mathematiques en deug scientifique, notamment en probabilites, dont les premiers essais effectues se sont averes encourageants. En outre, la recherche effectuee suggere une premiere classification des difficultes trouvees dans ce type d'enseignement ; elles peuvent se grouper en quatre types : a) ignorance chez les etudiants des formalismes qui servent a poser et a resoudre les problemes de mathematiques ; b) mauvaises habitudes creees par un enseignement precedent inoperant ; c) interaction enseignant-etudiant deficiente (mauvaise communication, contrat pedagogique floue ou non defini, etc. ) ; d) enseignement non adapte a la situation cognitive des etudiants (manque de coordination parmi les divers niveaux d'etudes).