
L'éducation dans l'Egypte ancienne

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1991



Paris 5



Abstract EN:

Educational message in ancient egypt has been influenced by the socio-economic, the power and the religious factors. This is evident in regard to power, to the formation of social classes, to the religious message and to the constitution and role of the family. Wisdom, myths, tales hymns and prayers, sacred drama, feasts, beliefs and rites are analysed as means of informal education. The educational message in ancient agypt has successfully attained its pedagogical aim : to form the social conscience of the people.

Abstract FR:

Le message educatif dans l'egypte ancienne a subi l'impact des facteurs socio-economique, du pouvoir et de la religion. Cela est evident en ce qui concerne le pouvoir, la formation des classes sociales, le message religieux, la constitution et de role de la famille. Sagesses, mythes, contes, hymnes et prieres, drames sacres, fetes, croyances et rites sont analyses en tant que moyens d'education informelle. Le message educatif dans l'egypte ancienne a pleinement atteint son but pedagogique, celui de former la conscience sociale du peuple.