
La reciprocite educative : contribution a une andragogie de la personne

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1994




Abstract EN:

This thesis aims at putting forward a new concept, that of educational reciprocity, which may analyse the learning process as distinctive in adult education, thus accounting for an andragogy of man as a person. As a basic research production it is aimed at justifying this concept by investigating its basic principles and by analysing its major strategic consequences. The first part is concerned with justifying the necessity for the concept of educational reciprocity by the practice of adult education and its presence in the history of and the writings about pedagogy. Reffering to the metaphysics of intersubjectivity gives rational argument to the notion of educational reciprocity as the basis of adult didactic relationship. It thus appears pivotal in the second part which concludes with the modelisation of the andragogic strategy of reciprocity. The last part elaborates on the effectiveness of the concept of educational reciprocity, particularly when it comes to group learning and concludes with necessary basic attitudes of an andragogist whose ethic rests on the respect of reciprocity.

Abstract FR:

La these a pour but de proposer un nouveau concept, celui de reciprocite educative, pour rendes compte des phenomenes d'apprentissage propres a l'education des adultes, en fondant par la une andragogie de la personne. En tant que recherche fondamentale, elle vise a justifier ce concept, en l'explorant dans ses principes et en l'exploitant dans ses consequences strategiques majeures. La premiere partie s'emploie a legitimer la creation du concept de reciprocite educative a partir de l'experience de l'educative des adultes et de ses attestations dans l'histoire et la litterature pedagogique et andragogique. Le recours a la metaphysique de l'intersubjectivite etablit rationnellement la reciprocite educatrice comme principe de la relation didactique adulte. Il constitue ainsi le pivot de la seconde partie, qui s'acheve par la modelisation de la strategie andragogique de reciprocite. La derniere partie developpe la portee operatoire du concept de reciprocite educatrice, notamment dans l'apprentissage en groupe, et conclut sur les attitudes fondamentales d'un andragogue dont l'ethique s'enracine dans le respect de la reciprocite.