Etude sur l'evolution d'un discours educatif : la creativite a l'ecole durant la periode 1968 1985
Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) (1971-2008)Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The pedagogical discourse dealing with creativeness at school is being analysed on the basis of a corpus of 900 texts, 186 of which have been published in france. The data thus gathered enabled us to highlight two facts which structured this discourse between 1968 and 1985: - it is universally shared, - it originates in the following structure: growth - peak - decline the detailed taxinomic analysis of the corpus is accompanied with a study of the development of the several conceptual categories and with a rhetorical analysis of the arguments which build up the discourse. The finality of the analysis aims at the validation of the following hypothesis : the loss of the operating characteristics of creativeness at school is linked to the progressive shift of the discourse from the expert's field to the militant's. This loss would explain that the use of creative practices in the educational field has been partly given up.
Abstract FR:
Le discours pedagogique sur la creativite a l'ecole est analyse a partir d'un corpus de plus de 900 textes, dont 186 parus en france. La base de donnees ainsi reunie a permis de mettre en evidence des lignes de force qui, dans la periode 1968 1985, structurent ce discours : - il est universellement reparti, - il procede d'une structure: croissance - apogee - declin. L'analyse taxinomique detaillee de l'ensemble textuel, est assortie d'une etude de l'evolution dans le temps des diverses categories conceptuelles et d'une analyse rhetorique des lieux d'argumentation qui y sont presents. La finalite de ces analyses a pour objectif la validation de l'hypothese : la perte du caractere operatoire du concept est liee au deplacement progressif du discours du champ de l'expert vers celui du militant. Cette perte expliquerait l'abandon (pas absolu, certes) de l'usage des pratiques de creativite dans le domaine de l'education.