
L'enseignement traditionnel a la veille du protectorat contribution de la crise marocaine

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1990



Paris 8



Abstract EN:

The present review on "the traditional schooling on the eve of the protectorate : its contribution to the moroccan crisis, proposes to analyse the importance and the role of the moroccan educational system in the (social and) process of the social and political crisis which morocco experienced on the eve of the protectorate. The review is based on an omnipotent and omnipresent array of problems in the 19th century context.

Abstract FR:

La presente etude sur "l'enseignement traditionnel a la veille du protectorat, contribution a la crise marocaine", se propose d'analyser la place et le role du systeme educatif marocain dans le processus de la crise sociopolitique que connaissait le maroc a la veille du protectorat. L'etude s'articule donc sur un problematique omnipresent et omnipotente dans le contexte du xixe siecle.