
Gestion et crises du "système eau" de 1964 à 1991 : le bassin de la Midouze (Aquitaine occidentale)

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1996






Abstract EN:

The 1964 water act was passed in order to regulate the social crises which shook the french "water system" in the early 1960s. Despite the measures taken, the persistent pollution, the growing lack of water, the development of detrimental flooding and the destruction of aquatic and humid environments all led to such an increase in the number of conflictual situations : thus new regulation at national level was necessary in the early 1990s (the 1992 water act). Research carried out on the midouze basin reveals the fundamental causes of such an increase in the entropy of the "water system". The effects of the socio-economical and technological transformations which occured after 1945 were three-fold: first, the development within society of an increasingly "aggressive" relationship as regards the hydrological systems; second, the disengagement of individuals where water management is concerned; third, the disintegration of solidarity which had previously united them. Consequently, extensive modifications in the state of water resources and of aquatic and humid environments were made, particularly after 1964; these transformations were deemed harmful and condemned by many groups of protagonists. The increasing entropy within the "water system" can be explained by an inadequate social regulation. On the one hand, the evolution of anthropological pressure exerted on the hydrological systems has been insufficiently controlled owing to the malfunctioning and inadequacy of the regulatory "instruments"; on the other hand, certain actions undertaken by the authorities to regulate the crises have been insufficient or inappropriate. To conclude, this research reveals that many of the crises studied have been - or are in the process of being - regulated thanks to actions carried out on a local scale by pressure groups.

Abstract FR:

La loi sur l'eau de 1964 a ete votee afin de reguler les crises sociales qui secouaient le "systeme eau" francais au debut des annees 60. En depit des mesures prises, la persistance des pollutions, le manque d'eau croissant, le developpement d'inondations prejudiciables, la destruction de milieux aquatiques et humides, ont concouru a une multiplication des situations conflictuelles, a tel point qu'une nouvelle regulation de portee nationale a ete necessaire au debut des annees 90 (loi sur l'eau de 1992). Les recherches effectuees a l'echelle du bassin de la midouze, permettent de saisir les causes fondamentales d'une telle augmentation de l'entropie du "systeme eau". Les mutations socio-economiques et technologiques survenues apres 1945 ont conduit a l'etablissement d'une relation de plus en plus "agressive" de la societe vis-a-vis des systemes hydrologiques, au desengagement des particuliers en matiere de gestion de l'eau et a un effritement des solidarites qui les unissaient. Il en est resulte d'importantes modifications des etats des ressources en eau et des milieux aquatiques et humides, notamment apres 1964, transformations jugees comme prejudiciables et condamnees par de nombreux groupes d'acteurs. L'entropie croissante du "systeme eau" 'explique par une deficience de la regulation sociale. D'une part, l'evolution des pressions anthropiques exercees sur les systemes hydrologiques a ete insuffisamment maitrisee en raison du mauvais fonctionnement et de l'insuffisance des "instruments" de regulation. Certaines des actions engagees par les pouvoirs publics afin de reguler les crises ont ete, par ailleurs, insuffisantes ou inadaptees. Cette recherche revele enfin que nombre des crises recensees ont ete regulees ou sont en voie de l'etre, grace aux actions menees a l'echelle locale par des groupes de pression.