Les petits métiers de la place Beaubourg et du métro parisien
Paris 4Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Tres peu d'etudes ont ete faites sur les petits metiers (petits vendeurs, animateurs, saltimbanques), et les marginaux. Dans le cadre d'une these de geographie et amenagement nous nous sommes interesses a leurs moeurs, leurs facons de travailler et leur repartition sur deux lieux dans lesquels on remarque une presence permanente de ces petits metiers : la place beaubourg et le metro parisien. Nous notons qu'il existe une organisation stricte, qui n'est pas perceptible au premier abord. Il faut etudier en profondeur ces groupes d'animateurs ou de petits vendeurs, pour comprendre reellement les lois instaurees au sein de ces micro-societes. Nous avons d'abord tente d'y voir plus clair en repertoriant toutes les formes de "services" proposes actuellement aux passants du centre pompidou ou usagers du metro. On a determine a chaque fois l'organisation sous-jacente qui intervient , tant pour le choix des emplacements, que des horaires et habitudes de travail. Nous avons pris en compte d'autres elements qui ont un effet ou un impact sur l'organisation de l'espace et le travail : la reglementation et aussi la loi de la concurrence. L'etude montre comment s'organisent ces espaces de l'exterieur, du fait de l'action des dirigeants (du centre ou de la ratp), des controleurs, des services d'ordre. Nous avons etabli egalement une distinction entre ceux qui agissent de maniere legale et ceux qui exercent de facon illicite, en cherchant emplacements, origines, notamment geographiques, gains,. . . De chaque categorie de petits vendeurs (fruits, fantaisie, friandise), des saltimbanques, afin de fournir des donnees aussi completes que possible.
Abstract FR:
Small businesses (street hawkers, entertainers, acrobats) and dropouts have seldom been studied, and we have taken the opportunity of a thesis in geography and urban development to inquire about their ways of life, their working habits, the way they determine where they settle. Two places in paris where they can always be found have thus been chosen, namely the place beaubourg and the parisian metro. We have tried to prove that a strict organization exists indeed, which is not at first perceptible. In order to really understand the laws ruling these micro-societies we have decided to closely observe these groups from the inside. We have tried to make things clearer by listing each different form of services actually offered to the passers-by in th e centre georges pompidou or to those who take the metro. We have determined each time the underlying organization which intervenes in the choice of specific locations as well as timetables and working habits. We have taken into account other elements which do have an impact on the organization of both space and work, such as legislation and the law of supply and demand. We have noticed how these spaces are organized by external factors, such as the intervention of different authorities (from the centre itself or from the metro), controllers or policemen. We have made differences between those who work legally and those who do not, and we have tried to learn more about the spots where each category of street hawkers works, either selling fruits, fancy goods or sweets. We have inquired abou t their origins - geographical for instance-and the money they earn, so as to give as complete data as possible.