
Les problèmes d'approvisionnement en eau potable et d'assainissement à Lomé, capitale du Togo

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1998



Bordeaux 3



Abstract EN:

The city of lome that is inhabited by a million of people is seriously suffering from a lack of drinking water supply. The city is provided with drinking water by 27 borings that are located in 3 different sheets (maestrichtien, continental terminal, paleocene). The water produced and supplied by the rnet is far from being enough to meet the need of the city. Some informal alternative systems, such as well, water selling, and storing rainwater are helping to get round the public service insufficiencies. The dualism also exists in cleaning up the city of lome. Not far from some sewers which date back to the colonial era, some individual draining installations have developed. Although they are not sufficient, they are however making progress. The shartage of drinking water supply and the insalubrity of the city are triggering new outbursts of diseases that are linked to water.

Abstract FR:

Lome, la capitale du togo, est une ville millionnaire qui connait de gros problemes d'approvisionnement en eau potable et d'assainissement. La ville est alimentee en eau potable par 27 forages perces dans 3 nappes differentes (maestrichtien, continental terminal, paleocene). La production et la distribution assurees par la rnet sont largement insuffisantes pour couvrir les besoins de la ville. Des systemes alternatifs informels (puits, revente de l'eau, stockage d'eau de pluie) permettent de pallier les insuffisances du service public. On retrouve aussi ce dualisme au niveau de l'assainissement ; a cote d'un petit reseau d'egout qui date de l'epoque coloniale, se sont developpes des installations d'assainissement individuel insuffisantes mais en progression. La carence de l'approvisionnement en eau potable et l'insalubrite de la ville entrainent une recrudescence des maladies liees a l'eau.