
L'enfant, l'espace et le temps dans les contes

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1995




Abstract EN:

Our object of study are the stories created, invented, by children, from the starting point of certain events in the fairy-tales (already cited by us), in order to discover how a child's fantasy is structured, as well as the pattern of its construction. We have concluded that: 1. A child's fantasy is structured in a narrative fashion, that is, it is made up of large structures, of different narrative patterns. 2. The structure thus achieved is figurative, that is, there are "a thousand and one" different ways of realising, of expressing, the same narrative pattern. As for the segmentary spatio-criteria relating the series of events traversing the texts produced by the children, the passages of the hero from one space to another may be described as trandormations, these spaces are being characterised as euphoric or dysphoric. Spatiality is articulated as topological actegory and institutes a spatial system of references permitting the establishment of a network of positions to which the various narrative programmes of the spatialised tale may be referred.

Abstract FR:

Nous avons pris pour objet d'etude les histoires que les enfants ont creees, inventees, ayant comme point de depart certains evenements des contes, deja cites par nous-meme, afin de decouvrir comments leur imaginaire se structure, ainsi que le schema de sa construction. Nous avons conclu que: 1. L'imaginaire de l'enfant se structure de facon narrative, c'est a dire qu'il est constitue de grandes structures, de schemas narratifs differents. 2. La structure realisee est figurative, c'est a dire qu'il y a "mille et une" facons differents d'effectuer, d'exprimer, le meme schema narratif. Quant aux criteres spatio-temporels de segmentation que relatent les series d'evenements traversant les textes produits par les enfants, les passages du heros d'un espace a un autre peuvent etre decrits comme des transformations, ces espaces etant caracterises comme euphoriques ou dysphoriques. La spatialite est articulee par une categorie topologique et institue un systeme de references spatial permettant d'etablir un resau de positions auxquelles pourraient etre referes les differents programmes narratifs du recit spatialise.