
Genese du mouvement ouvrier et cooperatif : les associations ouvrieres de production de 1848

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1988



Paris 8



Abstract EN:

In the opinion of some french and english utopian socialists, the community was the means overcome class antagonisms and to solve the social question. In the first half of the 19th century, the french working classes transformed the concept of community into the notion of worker production association. Then considered it to be the only solution for them to escape factory confinement. In 1848, associationist claims were completed by the republican slogan of universal suffrage. This phase in the history of the working classes is fundamental for one to understand the emergence of the cooperative movement as well as that of the worker's movement in france.

Abstract FR:

La communaute represente pour certains socialistes utopiques francais et anglais le moyen de depasser les antagonismes de classes et de resoudre la question sociale. Durant la premiere moitie du 19eme siecle, le monde ouvrier francais se reapproprie l'idee communautaire en proposant l'association ouvriere de production; elle constituait, a leurs yeux, la seule solution pour echapper a l'enfermement de l'usine. En 1848, la revendication associationniste se mele au slogan republicain. Cette phase de l'histoire ouvriere est fondamentale pour comprendre la genese du mouvement ouvrier et cooperatif francais.