
Décisions de groupes : coalitions et auto-organisation : application aux processus de concertation et de négociation

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1987



Aix-Marseille 3



Abstract EN:

The emergence of coalitions in a population and the nature of the decision processes in a complex socio-economic environment are studied. Players' motivations are diffuse, semantic codes are multiple, rationality is bounded. In the first part, from orders or preorders of preferences built by players on the goals sets (which come from the coding of their motivations) and from a pretopology-analysis of the population structure, we characterize "realizable coalitions", "maximal coalitions" under complete information and then under incomplete information. The dynamics of coalitions structures is generated by self-organization mechanisms which select potential alliances, and explains groups transformations as well as the evolution of players welfare and of the "opacity" about the perception of their preferences. In the second part, players are modelled with more active roles; the "meta-groups" formation is induced by "overcoding processes" (l. Sfez) which ease negotiation agreements, as well as the emergence of new projects and set up groups behaviour. All this characterizes the "meta-game" according to the negotiation processes and the search of acceptable compromises corresponding to the organization of the socio-economic strengths.

Abstract FR:

Il s'agit d'etudier l'emergence des coalitions au sein d'une population et la nature des processus de decision dans un environnement socio-economique complexe (motivations diffuses des agents, multiplicite des codes utilises, interactions de nature diverse, capacites cognitives limitees). A partir des ordres ou des preordres de preferences construits par les agents sur des ensembles d'objectifs (eux-memes issus du codage de leurs motivations) et de l'analyse pretopologique de la structure d'une population, nous caracterisons les "coalitions realisables" et les "coalitions maximales" en information complete, puis en information incomplete. La dynamique des structures de coalitions engendree par les mecanismes d'auto-organisation selectionnant les alliances potentielles, explique la transformation des groupes, l'evolution du bien-etre des agents, et de l'opacite induite au niveau de la perception de leurs preferences. Attribuant un role veritablement actif aux agents dans les processus de concertation et de negociation, la formation des "meta-groupes" fait intervenir des processus de surcodage (l. Sfez) activant les negociations et structurant les comportements vis-a-vis des differents projets. Ceci caracterise le "meta-jeu" auquel font reference les processus de negociation, et donc la recherche de compromis acceptable refletant l'organisation des forces sociales.