
L'insecurite du processus de paiement scriptural

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1995



Lyon 2



Abstract EN:

The aim of this thesis is to study the inherent risks in the daily cashless payments made by an individual (the payer) to a trader (payee) with a bank (drawee). In a payment mechanism designed to produce information contiguous to each transaction risks of payment are analysed as problems of deficient, specious or truncated information. The looseness of the link between money and information and the way to tighten it is the backbone of this work. The payer must accept the faillible co-management imposed by his bank who assures payment in his place. He must accept to entrust the running of his accounts to the bank which holds the purse-strings in his name and which can commit administrative errors by recording operations which have not been authorised by its clientele. The payee must accept a certain amount of incertitude given the opacity of cashless payments which emanate from a promise of payment. The drawee is also exposed to risks as a professional of payment. The tenet in the attempt to render the payment process more secure is to broaden the base of information available (developing computerized data-bases on the risks, and expanding the use of the personnal identification number. Bolstered by these security measures cashless payments can but gain in legibility and visibility. Nethertheless the payment system is still risky : by becoming more and more sophisticated the system can be made more fragile due to technical breakdowns, which, should they occur in wire transfers can degenerate into a systemic risk.

Abstract FR:

Cette these se fixe comme objectif d'etudier les risques inherents a la relation quotidienne du paiement scriptural de proximite entre un particulier (agent payeur) et un commercant (agent paye), mediatisee par une banque (agent payant). Dans une mecanique de paiement visant a produire de l'information de facon contigue a toute transaction, les risques dans les paiements sont analyses comme des problemes d'information deficiente, specieuse ou tronquee. La lachete du lien entre monnaie et information et les moyens de la tendre constituent la trame de ce travail. L'agent payeur doit s'abandonner a une cogestion faillible assuree par sa banque, agent "tiers payant". Il doit accepter deliberement d'abandonner la conduite de ses affaires de paiement au profit de la banque qui tient la caisse en son nom et qui, a ce titre,peut commettre des erreurs de gestion en enregistrant des operations non autorisees par sa clientele. L'agent paye doit accepter une certaine dose d'incertitude tenant a l'opacite du processus de paiement scriptural qui repose sur une promesse de paiement. L'agent "payant" est egalement expose au risque en tant que professionnel du service de paiement. Toute l'oeuvre securitaire des processus de paiement vise a offrir aux moyens de paiement des possibilites de parfaire leur dimension apaisante a l'aide d'un contenu informationnel enrichi (developpement de bases de donnees informatisees sur les risques, systematisation de la composition du code confidentiel).