
Nouvel ordre économique international et pouvoir

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1986



Paris 2



Abstract EN:

Based on the acknowlegement of mutual interests, the project for a new international economic order is an attempt at establishing a new type of relationships hitherto lying on the balance of power and the logic of conflicting interests. The hypothesis is that this claim to put forward new international cybernetics has been resisted by the ruling powers because it went against the current world system whose state of crisis helps indeed to hide geographical, political and technological basic redeployment. The demonstration, which falls into three parts, follows a machiavelian approach. The first part shows how the ideology of the world governing classes, whose paradigm of reference is transnationality, imposes a type of outward development weakening all the partners; such is the global logic which is challenged by the nieo project. The second part expounds the contents of the nieo which, through the various perceptions of the protagonists - upheaval for some, offer of cooperation for others - make up a doctine of socio-economic nationalism whose ambition is to reconcile economic growth and provision of the essential needs of the populations. The mythical dimension of the nieo project can be viewed, in terms of ethno-psychiatry, as a phenomenon of compensation and sublimation, and also as a counter-utopian project. The third part highlights the process of destruction of the nieo; first the noxiousness of the project and its "semi-socialist" character are exposed through doctrinal criticism and utopias that take over part of its contents, then the third-world states are intrinsically unable to sustain the overall dynamic of the nieo project. Eventually, the third world countries are brought into line by the geographical and geostrategical requirements of the two superpowers and are considerably weakened by the policies of multinational firms. The nieo project is wrecked by the logic of transnational capitalism.

Abstract FR:

Le projet de nouvel ordre economique international (noei) tente de rebatir, a partir de la reconnaissance d'interets mutuels, des relations fondees jusqu'ici sur les rapports de force et la logique des interets divergents. L'hypothese est que cette pretention a proposer une nouvelle cybernetique internationale a ete combattue par les forces dominantes parce qu'elle a heurte de front le systeme mondial actuel dont la crise cache en realite un redeploiement geographique, politique et technologique fondamental. La demonstration est menee en trois parties, dans une approche machiavelienne. La premiere partie montre comment l'ideologie des classes dirigeantes mondiales dont le paradigme de reference est la transnationalite, impose un modele de developpement extraverti, qui fragilise l'ensemble des partenaires. C'est cette logique globale que conteste le projet de noei. La deuxieme partie presente le contenu du noei, qui, au travers des diverses perceptions que les protagonistes en ont (bouleversement pour les uns, offre de cooperation pour les autres) constitue une doctrine de nationalisme socio-economique voulant concilier la croissance economique et la couverture des besoins essentiels des populations; la dimension mythique du noei apparait, en termes d'ethno-psychiatrie, comme un phenomene de compensation et de sublimation, mais egalement comme un projet contre-utopique. La troisieme partie demonte les mecanismes de destruction du projet de noei: d'abord, des utopies de recuperation et des critiques doctrinales font voir la nocivite du projet, et son caractere "semi-socialiste"; ensuite, les etats des tiersmondes sont intrinsequement incapables de porter la dynamique globale du projet de noei; enfin, les tiers-mondes sont reduits a un terrain de parcours par la geopolitique et la geostrategie des deux super-grands et sont considerablement affaiblis par les strategies multinationales. Le projet de noei est lamine par la logique du capitalisme transnational.