Croissance économique à base de pétrole : le cas de l'Irak
Paris 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Two principal factors constitute the axis of all explanation about economic situation in irak : the firstone is the under-development whereby irak wants to realize an economic and social development. The second factor is the petrol which represents the fundamental factor of economie development plan. Afterwards, we have proposed three economic growth scenarios based upon petrol. 1) in the case of the high prices, we have treated the situation of a development strenghening the investments in economic structure. 2) in the case of the low prices, the investments will be based upon the main projects which answer the essentiel requirements. 3) in the case of the stability prices, we have put the system of repartition equality (investments repartition) could be the moste effective method for the development. Finally, we have proposed a politic of economic growth based upon petrol ; we have also studied the national programm of energy and the energetic forecasts until the year 2000.
Abstract FR:
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