
Le proces d'extension de la propriete sociale au benin

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1986



Paris 10



Abstract EN:

During the 1972-1982 decade, the public sector has been re-inforced in the economy of benin, with the creation of 68 public entreprises and 9 mixte capital ones, all in controle of more than 53% of all invested capitals in the country and using more than 40% of the waged labour force. It is such an important sector that has been assimilated with the social property. However, the socialist and revolutionnary process proclamed in benin after 1972 military coup has so far failed to lead to the establishment of a trad union's power. The establshed political regime is an alliance regime between the two essential factions of the state's pseudo bourgeoisy: the bureaucratic faction and the military one. This political regime has both in the theorie and practice excluded itself from the sphere of marxism by not only maintaining the reign of capitalism, but also by bringing back state exploitation. Thus it has failed the move froc a public property state to a social property one; since the batter pre-suppose the existence of trade union power exercising a leading role, and th establshment of a real social structure capable of managing production and marketing the produced goods.

Abstract FR:

De 1972 a 1982, le secteur public a ete renforce dans l'economie beninoise avec la creation de 68 entreprises publiques, de 9 entreprises mixtes, le tout controlant plus de 53% des capitaux investis et utilisant plus de 40% de la main d'oeuvre salariee. C'est cet important secteur public qui a ete assimile a la propriete sociale. Cependant, le processus de la revolution et du socialisme proclame au benin apres le coup d'etat militaire de 1972 n'a pas abouti a la creation d'un etat ouvrier. Le regime politique mis en place a ete un regime d'alliance entre les deux fractions essentielles de la pseudo bourgeoisie d'etat: la fraction bureaucratique et la fraction militaire. De par sa theorie et sa pratique, ce regime s'est exclu du cadre marxiste en reformant l'etat exploiteur et en maintenant le regne capitaliste. Ce faisant, il s'est mis dans l'incapacite de passer de la propriete publique a la propriete sociale, ce qui suppose: existence d'un pouvoir ouvrier exercant un role dirigeant, mise en place d'une capacite sociale reelle en mesure de gerer la production et de disposer des produits.