Bresil - 1500 2000 : etude d'un processus de developpement sous hypothese d'"industrialisation tardive" et analyse des metamorphoses de sa violence politique, economique et sociale
Grenoble 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
In its introduction, the author presents an overview of the discussions concerning the latin american economic development since earlies fifties and proposes a new interpretation of brazilian historical development in which he characterizes each phase of the industrialisation process by taking into account its economic, political and social context. The thesis is organised in two main parts and is structured around a new interpretation of the 1930' revolution which is based on two thesis : (1) this event is seen as the setting up of a "compromise state" in the wake of this revolution which is considered as "non industrial and bourgeoise", (2) its role in the industrial development process can be characterized as first a "restricted industrialisation" then a "late industrialisation". The first part presents the historical foundation of this brazilian industrialisation up to 1964 and the second part (from 1964 onwards) exposes the main events which have occured during the setting up of an authoritarian model of regulation and its failure.
Abstract FR:
Apres une introduction consacree aux theories qui ont nourri le debat sur le developpement en amerique latine depuis le debut des annees 1950, la these propose une reconstitution historique du developpement bresilien, en caracterisant chaque etape du processus d'industrialisation par rapport a son environnement politique, economique et social. Le plan est construit en deux parties articulees autour d'une reinterpreation de la revolution de 1930 a partir de deux eidees centrales : (1) l'instauration d'un "etat de compromis" au lendemain de la revolution de 1930, percue comme non industrielle bourgeoise, et (2) son role dans le developpement d'une industrialisation tout d'abord "restreinte", puis ensuite "tardive". La premiere partie (jusqu'en 1964) situe les fondements historiques de ce type d'industrialisation, la seconde (1964-a nos jours) tente de retracer ses manifestations a travers l'implantation d'un modele autoritaire de regulation et son echec progressif.