
La restructuration industrielle et les relations économiques internationales : vers une meilleur D.I.T. entre NPI-PD

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1988



Paris 13




Abstract EN:

The industrial restructuration, an important problem, is motivated by the different origines and is made with the different dosage of the role of government and market. We compare the cases of the developed countries (dcs) and the nics. The industrial structure (domestic production and international trade) of the nics became near the level of the dcs with the remarkable augmentation of their comparative advantage vis-a-vis the dcs. The regional disequilibium of the international economic relation was not favorable to the respectively fitted restructuration of the two sides. We feel convinced the crucial utility of the more diversified cooperation between korea and his principal partners. It is quite necessary the transition of the trade structure from the "over-dependancy" (usa and japan) to the diversification in order to improuve the relation korea-cee which is now very "under-exploited". We reconfirm the potential utility of the both intra- and inter- industrial cooperations between the two sides within the process of their "industrial sophis- tication" (nics) and their positive adjustment (dcs and especially cee).

Abstract FR:

La restructuration industrielle, un probleme serieux, se motive par un dosage different des origines et se fait par un dosage different du role de l'etat et de la fonction du marche selon pd ou npi. La structure industrielle (production nationale et le commerce exterieur ) des npi s'est approchee de celle des pd avec l'augmentation sensible de leur avantage comparatifs vis-a-vis des pd. Le desequilibre regional des relations economiques internationales n'est pas favorable a une meilleure restructuration respective. On constate l'utilite des cooperations plus diversifiees entre la coree et ses principaux partenaires pour une meilleur restructuration respective et notamment la necessite de la diversification de la "sur-dependance ou exploitation" (usa et japon) pour ameliorer la "sous-exploitation" extreme (la cee). On constate aussi l'utilite potentielle des cooperations a la fois intra- et inter-industrielle dans le processus de leur sofistication industrielle (npi) et de leur ajustement positif (pd et notamment la cee).