L'exercice libéral de la chirurgie dentaire en 1987 : enquête nationale
Lyon 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The conception and realisation of an initial national socioeconomic inquiry, according to a representative sample of 193 independent dental surgeons in 1987. Their professional environment and their working conditions have been studied, as well as the treatment that they administer. 1412 patients of these dental surgeons have been examined. The state of their oral health, the motive for their consultation and the treatment they received have also been studied.
Abstract FR:
Conception et realisation d'une premiere enquete nationale socioeconomique aupres d'un echantillon representatif de 193 chirurgiens dentistes liberaux en 1987. Leur environnement professionnel, leurs conditions de travail ont ete etudies, ainsi que les soins qu'ils effectuent. 1412 patients de ces chirurgiens dentistes ont ete examines. Leur etat de sante bucco-dentaire, la cause de leur consultation et les soins qu'ils recoivent ont ete egalement etudies.