Population, developpement ou les perspectives d'une approche en termes de besoins essentiels : le cas de l'education et de la sante au maroc
Abstract EN:
Th doctrine of basic needs can be seen as an alternative model which must guarantee the most favourable conditions necessary for development. In the case of morocco, those reforms taken with a view to improve the critical situation which is prevalant in both education and the health system, appear to be methods of the implementation of the model of basic needs. An analysis of the health and education system indicates that the beginning of social progress cannot be conceived within the restrictive framework of a revision of objectives operated in the name of a sector based policy. A policy of preventive health measures or the foundation of a form of education appropriate both in the prevailing context and for its evolution, has to be viewed within the framework of an over all conception of the effort involved in this development. The approach of basic needs have a tendancy to dodge the determining factors which lie at the root of poverty and the devline of the conditions of social well-being, which require us to reconsider the role of the state and the economic system structures as well as the dominant social relations.
Abstract FR:
La doctrine des besoins essentiels se presentecomme un modele alternatif devant assurer les modalites les plus propices au developpement. Dans le cas du maroc, les reformes intervenues en vue de depasser la situation de crise prevalante en matiere d'education et de sante, se presentent comme des modalites d'application du modele des besoins essentiels. L'analyse des systemes educatif et sanitaire denote que l'amorce d'un progres social ne peut se concevoir dans le cadre restrictif d'une revision d'objectifs operee au titre de politique sectorielle. Une politique de prevention de la sante ou l'assise d'une forme d'education appropriee au contexte dominant et a son evolution, exige de se situer dans le cadre d'une conception globalisante de l'effort de developpement. Aussi, si la demarche des besoins essentiels presente-t-elle certains acquis positifs, elle s'avere limitee en tant que soubassement d'une strategie sociale viable. Elle tend a eluder les veritables determinants a la base de la situation de pauperisation et de degradation des conditions de bien-etre social, lesquelles necessitent de considerer l'etat et les structures du systeme economiqsue ainsi que les rapports sociaux dominants.