L'emergence des activites de haute technologie dans l'espace economique mondial : cadre theorique et application a l'industrie de la construction informatique
Abstract EN:
The location of high technology activities is the subject of a voluminous literature. This latter tends to show that these activities would located themselves in new spaces of production. But, in view of an inadequate conceptualization of high technology, it is extremely difficult to identify what their precise characteristics and their processes of location would be. The aim of this thesis is therefore to provide a theoretical framework which allows us to understand the differentiated emergence of high technology activities in the world economic space. After defining them as activites which emerge with the appearance of new technological paradigms which present the specificity to be based on the progress science, we show that an identification of firms which enter into these activities can't be done without taking into consideration their national context : the emerging industrial structures within the different countries diverge. Then we emphasize that the different types of firms, which are subject to differentiated organizational contraints, also have a heterogeneous locating behaviour. The spatial distribution of a high technology activity in an intranational space is therefore in part the product of the differenciated conditions of its emergence in the different countries. The emergence of the computer industry in the united states, great-britain and
Abstract FR:
La localisation des activites de haute technologie fait l'objet d'une abondante litterature. Cette derniere tend a montrer que ces activites s'implanteraient dans de nouveaux espaces de production. Cependant, en raison d'une insuffisante conceptualisation de la haute technologie, il est extremement difficile d'identifier quels seraient leurs caracteristiques precises et leurs processus de localisation. L'objectif de cette these est donc de proposer un cadre theorique qui permette d'apprehender l'emergence differenciee de ces activites dans l'espace economique mondial. Apres les avoir definies comme des activites qui emergent suite a l'apparition de nouveaux paradigmes qui presentent la specificite d'etre fondes sur des avancees de la science, nous montrons qu'une identification des firmes qui penetrent dans ces activites ne peut se faire independamment de la prise en compte de leurs contextes nationaux : les structures industrielles emergentes dans les differents pays divergent. Puis nous mettons en evidence que les differents types de firmes, qui sont soumis a des contraintes organisationnelles differenciees, ont des comportements de localisation eux aussi heterogenes. Des lors, la distribution spatiale d'une activite de haute technologie dans un espace intranational est pour partie le produit differencie de son emergence dans les differents pays.