
L'echelon local de la mutualite sociale agricole ou le mutualisme au quotidien

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1993






Abstract EN:

The "mutualite agricole" social affairs branch (m. S. A. Group), is a private organization, which ensures that legislation providing social protection is adequately applied to farm employees ans farmers. The "m. S. A. Group" can be considered unquestionably as the most original social welfare association as mush in the structures as in the activites. The growth and history of the "m. S. A. Group" are both based on a philosophy called mutualism which has a significant influence over the whole farming community. One of the major concern of the "m. S. S. Group" has been to put both abstract notions of solidarity and participation in concrete form. As a consequence, the group had been induced to adopt a tree fold decentralized structure. Out of these three operating stages, the volume of the local network operations appears to be the most significant since it makes a handsome contribution to the vitality and the strength of the institution. The history ans realizations of the local network are related along this document, but also the difficulties to maintain such a system and his future possibilities.

Abstract FR:

La mutualite sociale agricole est un organisme prive charge de la gestion du service public que constitue l'application de la legislation sociale aux exploitants et aux salaries agricoles. Elle est sans doute l'un des organismes de protection les plus originaux tant par sa structure que par son activite; son histoire et son developpement est bati sur une philosophie le mutualisme, dont l'impact en milieu agricole a ete considerable. Le souci de concretion, les notions de solidarite et de participation a conduit la msa a adopter une organisation decentralisee dont l'echelon local est sans doute le plus important car c'est de lui qu'emane la plus large part du dynamisme et de la force de l'institution. L'histoire et les realisation de cet echelon local sont relates tout au long de ce document mais aussi les difficultes de maintenir un tel systeme et les possibilites de redynamisation.