
Recherche sur les fondements des critères de convergence du traité de Maastricht, étude de leur faisabilité et des possibilités de leur mise en oeuvre sur le plan de la gestion des finances publiques : contribution à l'étude des politiques économiques en Europe

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1996







Abstract EN:

Since 1992, various important economic and monetary disruptions have occured, such as the break-up of the ems in august, 1993 and the persistence of the economic recession in europe, which can change the scenario anticipated by the maastrich t treaty. These development raise the problem of how appropriate economic policies in europe are in regard to accomplish ing the convergence criteria. The purpose of this study is to determine whether the constraints perscribed for complianc with the convergence criteria set serious limits for states in the decision-making on economic policies and their economic sovereignty. The approach to public finance management is divided into two phases. The first examines the basis for the convergence criteria through analysis of convergence problematics. The second provides the context for the study of their feasibility and possibilities for implementation in the management of public finance in accordance with these b ases. The approach adopted is in both decisional and technical terms. Two major results have been obtained. The first comes from the study. Of the bases which led to introducing the economic concepts of decision bargaining and lobbying; the second is distinguished by the quantity of its mobile money mass and b y its capacity for economic manipulation of markets. The criteria thus have political and economic bases not considered in traditional macroeconomic theories. The second result emanate from analysis of convergence strategies : the treaty ta kes appropriate means away from the states without transferring it to the public institutions of the eu. A theoretical v acuum regarding the eu and the procedures of the emu is created, since traditional theories apply to traditional law sta tes while the eu is a de facto state regrouping some of the former and placed in the international economic and financia l system. With economic sovereignty laminated between the different planes of decision and monetary sovereignty transfer red to independent central banks (except for the uk), the european economic system corresponds to no existing theoretica l model. Individual states and the eu are thus confronted with the task of creating the instruments needed to achieve th e emu and perhaps doing so in a field other than in public finance management.

Abstract FR:

Decision et de lobby; celui-ci est caracterise par la quantite de sa masse monetaire mobile et par sa capacite d'action economique sur les marches. Les criteres ont donc des fondements politicoeconomiques non consideres dans les theories macroeconomiques traditionnelles. Le second resultat emane des analyses des strategies de convergence : le traite ote les moyens adequats aux etats sans les transferer aux institutions publiqu l'ue. Il y a un vide theorique sur le cas de l'ue et du processus de l'ume, puisque les theories traditionnelles s'appli a des etats de droit traditionnels, alors que l'ue est un etat de fait regroupant des etats de droit et se situant dans le systeme economique et financier international. Avec une souverainete economique laminee entre les differents niveaux de decision et une souverainete monetaire transferee aux banques centrales independantes (sauf au royaume-uni), le syste me economique europeen ne correspond a aucun modele theorique. Les etats de l'ue sont donc confrontes a la creation des outils pour atteindre l'ume et peut-etre egalement sur un terrain autre que celui de la gestion des finances publiques.