La pensee cooperative : son emergence et son actualite. application economique dans les s.c.o.p. en france
Rennes 1Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The foundations of the co-operative idea rest upon the utopian, communal ideal of the precapitalist period, then on the history of the workers'movement and the various currents of ideas of the 19tch century. Accordingly, pratices have been developing into structures until nowadays in the field of production cooperation, marked by the demographic explosion, and then the stagnation during the 1980s, which poses the problem of the economic efficiency of that kind of democratic firm, which may be likened to the modern concept of self-management, heir to proudhon's theories. The recent theories about the conduct of self-managed firms, of anglo-saxon origin, do not perfectly tally with the results ot the comparative financial analysis of the french producers' cooperatives and corresponding capitalistic firms obtained during the 1986-1988 period, but they de renew the conceptual tolls applicable to the cooperative movement.
Abstract FR:
Les fondements de la pensee cooperative reposent sur l'ideal communautaire et utopique precapitaliste puis sur l'histoire du mouvement ouvrier et les divers courants d'idees du 19e siecle. Des pratiques se sont donc structurees jusqu'a nos jours dans le secteur de la cooperation de producation, marquee par l'explosion demographique puis la stagnation au cours des annees 1980, ce qui pose le probleme de l'efficacite economique de ce type d'entreprise democratique assimilable au concept moderne d'autogestion, heritiere du proudhonisme. Les theories recentes du comportement de la firme autogeree, d'origine anglo-saxonne, ne concordent pas parfaitement avec les resultats de l'analyse financiere comparee des s. C. O. P. Francaises et des entreprises capitalistes homologues, au cours de la periode 1986-1988, mais renouvellent les outils conceptuels applicables a la cooperation. (s. C. O. P. : societe cooperative ouvriere de production)