La complementarité comme fondement de la théorie de la firme
Abstract EN:
The aim of the thesis is to propose a new starting point for the analysis of the firm. Production takes place within the firm. As a result, the theory of the firm cannot be built on the basis of antecedence of exchange over production. What is at stake is to provide an answer to the question raised by ronald coase in 1937 about "the nature of the firm", by beginning with an analysis of production. The analytical tool that is retained is the process of production rather than the production function, which proves to offer but a very limited view of productive activity. The suggested answer is that one of the rationales for planning and hierarchy is complementarity within production because complementarity creates the value. Moreover, such economic complementarity is of a strict kind inasmuch as it governs the very existence of the firm. The demonstration of this proposition is carried out in the first two parts of the thesis which are purely analytical and normative. The third part provides historical and empirical evidence in support of the analyses conducted in the first and second part.
Abstract FR:
L'enjeu de la these est de repondre a la question posee par ronald coase (1937) sur la nature de la firme mais en partant d'une analyse de la production. L'outil analytique retenu est le processus de production et non pas la fonction de production qui s'avere etre une representation tres limitee de l'activite productive. La reponse apportee est que l'une des justifications de la planification et de la hierarchie est la complementarite dans la production. Cette complementarite economique est la source de la creation de richesse dans la production. Elle est d'ailleurs stricte dans le sens ou elle est une condition d'existence de la firme. La demonstration de cette proposition est conduite dans les deux premieres parties de la these qui traitent, de facon purement analytique et normative, la production et la firme. La troisieme partie est une mise en perspective historique et empirique des developpements menes dans les deux autres parties.