La "Mercatisation" du secteur culturel : contribution à l'élaboration d'une théorie économique non standard
Paris 10Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
This thesis work aims at the theoretical analysis of the cultural work holding by the capitalistic economic logic. This phenomenon is at the origin of the transformation of cultural works into goods. First of all, the standard economic tools were used in order to understand this transformation phenomenon. But those tools exhibit some limits in explaining the mechanisms governing this phenomenon. Thus, in the second part of this research work, the emphasis was given on those limits and on the ways they could be overcome. The theoretical analysis is three-fold: -first, several economic theories were applied to the particular case of the consumption and the production of cultural goods -second, the introduction of non-economic analysis tools in order to solve the application's difficulties of the chosen economic theories. -third, several hypothesis were made. They are dedicated to the elaboration of a specific economic theory of the mass-culture market.
Abstract FR:
Ce travail de these propose une analyse theorique du phenomene de captation de l'oeuvre culturelle par la logique economique de type capitaliste, ce phenomene etant a l'origine de la transformation d'oeuvres culturelles en marchandises. Au depart, le projet etait d'utiliser les outils de la theorie economique standard pour comprendre le phenomene de "mercatisation". Cependant les limites d'application de ces outils expliquent le choix de centrer la reflexion sur ces limites et sur les facons de les resoudre. L'analyse theorique se compose de trois etapes. La premiere etape consiste en l'application de theories economiques au cas particulier de la consommation et de la productioncommercialisation de marchandises culturelles; la seconde en l'integration d'elements d'analyse non economiques (sociologiques et psychologiques) pour resoudre les difficultes d'application des theories economiques choisies. La troisieme etape propose quelques hypotheses en vue de l'elaboration d'une theorie economique specifique aux marches de la culture de "masse".