
Le marche et le socialisme reel. De la reforme economique au changement systemique

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1992






Abstract EN:

The introduction of market mechanisms has been chosen to put an end to the inefficiencies of contralized planning. Some economists demonstrated that alternative models for a socialist economy were theoretically possible. Then, under specific conditions, price and incentive problems ciould be solved. Nevertheless, practically, these reforms were not adapted to real socialism. And their failure can be explained by the contradiction between central planning and profit as success indicator; these reforms were partial, and, above all, enterprises were unable to maximier profit. Even the material incentives of the workers came up against systemic limits. Reform dialectics progressively led economists to recommend industrial privatization. The same default appeared in the different reformist approaches: it's a pure economic analysis, confined in the framework of the plan-market discourse and without consideration about social and institutional system. It explains why market mechanisms can't easily work out in these countries, even if it's not anymore within a socialist project.

Abstract FR:

Contre les deficiences de la planification centralisee, des solutions ont ete cherchees dans l'introduction de mecanismes de marche. Des economistes ont montre que des modeles alternatifs d'economie socialiste etaient theoriquement concevables. Les problemes des prix et des incitations sont alors, sous certaines conditions, resolus. En pratique, ces reformes n'etaient pas adaptees au socialisme reel, car, en plus de la contradition entre l'indicateur de profit et la planification centrale, les reformes ne furent que partielles, et, surtout, les entreprises furent incapables de maximiser le profit. La stimulation materielle des travailleurs recontre de meme des limites de nature systemique. La dialectique de la reforme a pousse progressivement les economistes a preconiser la privatisation de l'industrie. Derriere la diversite des approches, on retrouve les insuffisances de la demarche purement economique, enfermee dans le discours plan-marche et faisant abstraction du contexte socio-institutionnel. Ceci explique les difficultes pour mettre le marche en oeuvre, meme dans un systeme qui n'est plus socialiste.