
La Force et la douceur de la force : structures et dynamisme afro-brésilien à Salvador de Bahia

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1986



Paris, EHESS



Abstract EN:

One accounts for the constitution process of the afro-brazilian religion as a decisive element of the formation of a civil society in salvador-bahia. After their rebellion failed, the africain slaves followed a strategy of integration during the restructuration of the society at the beginning of the political independance era (first half of the 19th century). Some proeminent persons in the official society were attracted by the stimulating persons of the candomble (clandestine houses of the african worship) and received honorary titles. These connections, first unformal, were gradually officialized and became a very fondamental element of the civil society which was constituted at the beginning of the republican era (first third of the 20th century). In this constitution process, the symbolisms and the ideologies originating from africa were sorely tried, went through transformations, but they have had a profound influence on our present society.

Abstract FR:

Il s'agit de rendre compte du processus de constitution de la religion afrobresilienne comme aspect decisif de la formation d'une socite civile a salvador de bahia. Apres l'echec de leurs rebellions, les esclaves africains emprunterent une strategie d'integration, lors de la restructuration de la societe, au debut de la periode d'independance politique (premiere moitie du xixe. Siecle). Certains personnages de marque dans la societe officielle furent attires par les animateurs des candombles (les maisons clandestines du culte africain) et y recurent des titres honorifiques. Ces liaisons, informelles au depart, devinrent peu a peu stables, composant un aspect tout a fait fondamental de la societe constituee au debut de la periode republicaine (premier tiers du xxe. Siecle). Dans ce processus de constitution, les symbolismes et ideologies d'origine africaine furent durement mis a l'epreuve des faits, subirent des transformations, mais marquerent profondement notre societe actuelle.