
Carabaya kallawaya

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1986





Abstract EN:

Carabaya people from peru and kallawaya people from bolivia formed before the inka times and in the inkanato a single kurakazgo or chieftainship whose the two halves, hatun and huchuy, have been separated during the spanish colony. Carabaya kallawaya have played a political part in the tawantinsuyu and their territory has been the gateway to the chunchu's and anti's world. Moreover, they have been favoured by the inka. This is due to the fact that their activities have taken on, and still take on an eminent sacred and symbolic character : the hatun carabaya half was specialized in the gold production, coca and corn, whereas the huchuy carabaya half turned out itinerant healer-medicine men, holder from shamanic secrets. Ancient texts, but also the tradition lived today permit to rediscover the unity of the ancient kurakazgo cut in two by the hazards of history. Beyond the parting, carabaya from peru and kallawaya from bolivia perpetuated in a parallel way their common tradition and the complementarity from the two halves and have maintained alive their perception from the world by assimilation of new elements from modernity. This is recognizable through the representation system and in the realizations and technics, particularly in the medicine art and in the weawing whose the symbolic aspect is obvious. On both sides of the border, carabaya kallawaya have unfolded strategies of adaptation and resistance sometimes different, but they are still recognizable as an ethnical entity.

Abstract FR:

Les carabaya du perou et les kallawaya de bolivie formaient aux temps preincaiques et dans l'inkanato un seul kurakazgo ou chefferie dont les deux "moities, hatun et huchuy, furent separees pendant la colonie espagnole. Les carabaya kallawaya ont joue un role politique dans le tawantinsuyu et leur territoire fut la porte d'acces au monde des chunchu et des anti. En outre ils furent privilegies de l'inka. Cela est du au fait que leurs activites ont revetu, et revetent encore un caractere sacral et symbolique eminent : la moitie hatun carabaya etait specialisee dans la production d'or, de coca et de mais tandis que la moitie huchuy carabaya formait des medecinsguerisseurs itinerants, detenteurs de secrets shamaniques. Les textes anciens mais aussi la tradition vecue aujourd'hui permettent de retrouver l'unite de l'ancien kurakazgo coupe en deux par les aleas de l'histoire. Au-dela de la separation, les carabaya du perou et les kallawaya de bolivie ont perpetue de maniere parallele leur tradition commune et la complementarite des deux "moities" et ont maintenu de maniere vivante leur vision du monde en assimilant des elements noueaux de la modernite. Cela peut se reconnaitre au travers du systeme de representations et dans les realisations et les techniques, en particulier la medecine et le tissage dont l'aspect symbolique est evident. D'un cote comme de l'autre de la frontiere, les carabaya kallawaya ont developpe des strategies d'adaptation et de resistance parfois differentes, mais ils demeurent reconnaissables comme une entite ethnique.