
Evolution du systeme financier et pratiques informelles d'epargne et de pret en afrique centrale

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1987



Lyon 2



Abstract EN:

The question is to know whether informal saving and loaning practices present an obstacle to the evolution of the financial system, which is an absolutely necessary forerunner to development financing based on internal saving. Taking the examples of cameroon, congo, central africa, gabon and chad, the thesis shows that these practices represent an original financing method linked to a slow transformation of the old socio-cultural structures aimed at reproducing the social system and adapting these structures along modern economic principles. These practices prove the existance of enormous saving potential in developping countries ; but this potential saving is still subject to the social system reproduction logic to the point at which informal practices represent an imperfect transitional system. Mobilizing saving, the existance of which is proven by the official financial institutions, represents a gamble which is difficult to win, due to the behaviour of these same institutions in terms of distribution of credit and the collection of savings which create and maintain the dual aspect of the financial system. The measures explicitly or implicitly envisaged by the public authorities and international organisations with a view to developing this dual system appear limited. The thesis aims at showing that this dual system carries the seeds of evolution of the financial system and can acclerate it providing the public authorities give their support by supplying the population with economic information concerning the informal saving and loaning system.

Abstract FR:

Il s'agit de savoir si les pratiques informelles d'epargne et de pret constituent des obstacles a l'evolution du systeme financier, prealable indispensable d'un financement du developpement sur la base de l'epargne interieure. Partant de l'exemple du cameroun, du congo, de la centrafrique, du gabon et du tchad, la these montre que ces pratiques representent un mode de financement original lie a une lente transformation d'anciennes structures socio-culturelles destinees a la reproduction du systeme social et a leur adaptation a l'economie moderne. Et que ces pratiques constituent un temoignage de l'existence d'enormes potentialites d'epargne dans les pays en developpement ; mais que cette epargne potentielle reste encore soumise a la logique de reproduction du systeme social au point ou les pratiques informelles forment un systeme de transition imparfait. La mobilisation de l'epargne dont elles font preuve de l'existence par les institutions financieres officielles represente un pari assez difficile a gagner, en raison du propre comportement de ces institutions en matiere de distribution du credit et de collecte de l'epargne qui fonde et entretient une dualite dans le systeme financier. Les mesures envisagees, explicitement ou implicitement, par les pouvoirs publics et les organisations internationales pour faire evoluer cette dualite presentent un caractere limite. La these cherche a montrer que la dualite porte en elle-meme les germes de l'evolution du systeme financier et peut l'accelerer, a condition que les pouvoirs publics apportent un soutien, sous forme d'information economique des populations, au systeme informel d'epargne et de prets.