Behaviorisme et cognitivisme en economie experimentale
Abstract EN:
Experimental economics constitutes a vast of research programs. The thesis investigate two of these programs. The first one is constituted with the falsificationist research program about expected utility theory, stemmed from the von neuman and morgensten's book games theory and economic behavior, and the alternative theories to the latter; this research program demonstrates the descriptive weakness of these different theories. The second program investigates oral double auction experimental markets; its was first designed to evaluate the paret-efficiency of different kinds of institutions and has progressively investigated the experimental validity of the rational expectations hypothesis. These two programs encountered a common difficulty : the insufficiencies of the behaviorist dominating program in economics while the h. Simon's researches introduced the congitivism in economics but without new economic learning theory. This thesis develops an economic learning model by the use of constructivist methodology and constructivist hypothesis of experimental economics. This model permits some evaluation of the contribution of the two programs to the development of the economic learning theory and to design next experimentations. This thesis demonstrates how cognitivism develops a constructivist methodology in experimental economics.
Abstract FR:
L'economie experimentale constitue un vaste ensemble de programmes de recherche. La these etudie deux de ces programmes. Le premier est constitue des travaux falsificationniste portant sur la theorie de l'utilite esperee issue du livre de von neumann et morgenstern games theory and economic behavior, et sur les theories alternatives a celle-ci ; ce programme demontre les faiblesses descriptives de ces differentes theories. Le second programme porte sur les marches experimentaux de "double enchere orale"; il etait initialement oriente vers l'evaluation de la pareto-efficience des differents types d'institutions et a progressivement fait porter son attention sur les conditions experimentales de validite de la theorie des anticipations rationnelles. Ces deux programmes ont rencontre une difficulte commune : les insuffisances du programme behavioriste dominant en economie, alors que les recherches de h. Simon ouvraient la voie au cognitivisme en economie sans proposer de theorie de l'apprentissage economique. Cette these developpe un modele de l'apprentissage economique exploitant dans une methodologie constructiviste les hypotheses cognitivistes rencontrees en economie experimentale. Ce modele permet une evaluation de la contribution des deux programmes a une theorie de l'apprentissage economique et de la definition d'experimentations futures. Cette these montre que l'infuence du cognitivisme contribue a developper en economie experimentale une methodologie constructiviste.