Culture traditionnelle africaine et marquage du corps féminin : l'excision chez les Bamanan du Bélédougou (Mali)
Toulouse 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
This sociological and ethnological analysis of ritual female excision practices was carried out in a traditional bamanan society in mali, where every young girl is subjected to removal of the entire clitoris with or without the excision of the labial minora (excision type ii). The thesis adopts an analysis of this practice in terms of ritual and demonstrates the need to place female excision/genital mutilation in the context of the wider values of the bamanan society. Thus, the pain and suffering endured during the excision ritual can be seen to play a major role in imposing the norms, values and behaviour that are required of women in the context of the dominant gender relations in this society. An analysis of the economic and social structures of the bamanan society serves to illustrate the subordinate position of women generally and leads to an analysis - based on observation and the songs sung during the excision ritual - of the parallel, but not equivalent, role played by male circumcision and female excision in the structuring of social relations and in the reproduction of traditional values, notably in terms of gender relations. However, the bamanan society is undergoing considerable change - the spread of western values, the gradual increase in the influence of moslim beliefs and transformations in the system of economic production. This changing context has a considerable influence on the female rituals, both in terms of their timing (birth, puberty, marriage) and of their adoption (comparison of urban and rural areas); its serves to transform the significance that such rituals had in the traditional bamanan society. This thesis aims to show that the future of female excision is closely tied up with the response that the bamanan society constructs in the face of "modernity".
Abstract FR:
Cette etude sociologique et ethnologique de l'excision feminine a ete effectuee au mali, dans le milieu traditionnel bamanan ou la totalite des femmes subissent l'exerese du clitoris, accompagnee ou non de l'ablation des petites levres (excision de type ii). Quelles qu'en soit les implications au plan physiologique, sexuel et psychologique, cette operation constitue un rite oblige. Son analyse en termes de rite permet de rendre compte le plus largement possible, a la fois de l'excision feminine et de la circoncision masculine. Ces pratiques sont en outre des marquages du corps et orientent sa sexualite. Elles constituent des processus d'incorporation par la douleur des normes et des comportements determines par les rapports sociaux de sexe. L'etude des structures economiques et sociales de la societe traditionnelle bamanan met en evidence la domination que subissent les femmes. L'analyse des temoignages et des chants d'excision montre le role que jouent parallelement - sans etre equivalents - le rite feminin d'excision et le rite masculin de circoncision dans la structuration et la reproduction de la societe. Ils se presentent a la fois comme l'aboutissement et la condition de la socialisation definitive des enfants prepares a des roles differents selon leur sexe. Cependant, la societe bamanan evolue. Ses rites se modifient dans le temps (naissance, puberte, mariage) et dans l'espace (campagne, ville). L'influence de l'occident, l'extension de l'islam, les transformations economiques privent peu a peu l'excision feminine et la circoncision masculine de la signification qu'ils avaient dans la societe traditionnelle bamanan. Des lors, que faire de ces rites? la reponse appartient a ces societes, dans leur rapport a la modernite.