Le sang et le sol : les implications socioculturelles de la sédentarisation : cas des nomades Ayt Merghad (Maroc)
Paris, EHESSDisciplines:
Abstract EN:
The sedentarization of pstoral nomadic societies has been more often studied from the socio-economic point of view. Hence, the sociocultural implications of such a phenomenon were considered as simple consequences of distant central contingencies. The present study, which wishes to contribute to an anthropology of sedentarization, tries to point out the importance of sociocultural continuity and discontinuity processes. The study begins with an introduction to the local society and a presentation of the nomadism of the ayt merghad of south-eastern morocco. It continues with a description of the sedentarization with a particular attention to its forms, its modes and its consequences and it exposes the nomadic cultural paradigm and the changes that affect it during and after the fixation of the nomads. It concludes to an extraordinary diversity of situations all rebels to the models elaborated by scholars and to a multitude of individual forms of adaptation to sedentarization in the absence of a whole government plan.
Abstract FR:
La sedentarisation des pasteurs nomades a ete le plus souvent envisagee du point de vue socio-economique. Les implications socioculturelles d'un tel phenomene ont ete releguees au rang de simples consequences de contingences centrales plus lointaines. Le present travail, qui se veut une contribution a une anthropologie de la sedentarisation, essaie de restituer aux continuites et aux discontinuites socioculturelles leur place. Apres avoir presente la societe locale, le nomadisme montagnard a oscillation verticale en vigueur chez les nomades ayt merghad du sud-est marocain, apres une description du processus de sedentarisation, ses formes, ses modalites et ses consequences, j'expose le paradigme culturel nomade et les changements qui l'affectent a l'epreuve de la sedentarite. Il en ressort une extraordinaire diversite de situations, toutes rebelles aux modeles elabores par les chercheurs, et une multitude de formes individuelles d'adaptations a la fixation en l'absence d'un plan global de l'etat.