
L'industrialisation des nouvelles technologies. Le cas des ceramiques techniques avancees contribution a l'analyse de l'organisation industrielle d'une filiere technique

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1995



Lyon 2




Abstract EN:

Beginning with an empirical investigation in the field of advanced technical ceramics (atc's); this thesis deals with the technological and industrial dynamics of the corresponding productive and innovative activities. The research that has been carried out has its first stage in the analysis of the conditions of development of the productive activities of high technology which have throw back to a coherent, clearly identifiable industrial structuration. In the perspective that has been retained, the recognition of a specific industrial organisation of atc's is linked to the solving of questions concerning the importance that should be accorded to these elements which are not usually taken into consideration by the mesoanalysis, that is to say, the role of the institutions in general. An institutionalist reading of the industrial dynamics permits an association of the productive, economic, social and technical dimensions. The role of institution processes becomes the center of the analysis concerning connections between the affirmation of a means of production and the process of creation-organisation of scientific and technological resources in or out industry. Then, the research federates a set of questions connected to the relations between territory and technology. The territorial phenomena studied refer to localised techno-economics developments (locally established).

Abstract FR:

Partant d'une investigation empirique, la these traite d'un ensemble de questions relatives a l'analyse des dynamiques techniques, industrielles et territoriales des activites productives et innovatives des ceramiques techniques avancees (c. T. A. ). La recherche effectuee trouve une premiere articulation autour de l'analyse des conditions de developpement d'activites productives de haute technologie ne renvoyant pas a une structuration coherente, clairement identifiable. Dans la perspective retenue, la reconnaissance d'une organisation industrielle specifique aux c. T. A. Est liee a la resolution de questions relatives a la place a accorder a des elements, habituellement non pris en compte par la meso-analyse, a savoir : le role des institutions. La recherche met au centre de l'analyse le role des institutions et des processus institutionnels dans les connexions entre l'affirmation d'un outil de production et les processus de creation-organisation de ressources scientifiques et techniques intra ou extra industrie. Dans une seconde perspective, l'analyse refere a un ensemble de questions liees aux rapports territoire-technologie. Les phenomenes territoriaux etudies referent aux developpements technologiques et economiques localises (notion d'ancrage local). En definitive le croisement d'une problematique en terme d'industrialisation et d'une problematique territoriale permet une comprehension renouvelle des logiques technologiques et organisationnelles qui president aux developpements industriels des c. T. A. .