
Le confessionalisme et le systeme politique libanais

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1989



Paris 7




Abstract EN:

It is a work about sociological and tehnological conflicts which oppose the different religious communities which constitute the contemporarylibanease society. Other ways, the clashing relations which exist between the state. Power, on one side, and ethnic rivalry, on the other side. The interferences of the confessionalism on political business state, and their consequences. We have tried to show through a diachronical point-of-view, and an historical and political description, the different stages of the libanease state, especially when it has to suffer from interferences of foreigners, in order to inderstand which are the determining factors into a process where are confronting the different religious communities. For example, the economical stake is one of those leading factors, but as well, on an other point-of-view, the history of mentality and especially, that of religions. After all, far from looking for answers to libanease problems, we have tried to understand why, in which fatality, that earth so radiant in the past, has go to such gloomy conflict.

Abstract FR:

Il s'agit d'un travail ethno-sociologique sur les conflits socio-politiques qui opposent les differentes communautes religieuses qui composent la societe contemporaine libanaise. En d'autres termes, les rapports conflictuels qui existent entre l'etat, le pouvoir, d'une part, et les rivalites ethniques, d'autrepart. L'ingerence du confessionalisme sur les affaires politiques de l'etat, et les tensions qui peuvent en resulter. On a essaye d'un point-de-vue diachronique, de montrer a travers une description historico-politique, les differentes etapes de la societe libanaise notamment, lorsqu'elle doit subir l'ingerence des puissances etrangeres, afin de comprendre quels sont les facteurs determinent dans un processus ou, s'affrontent differentes communautes religieuses. L'enjeu economique est un de ces principaux facteurs, mais egalement sur un plan plus incidieux, l'histoire des mentalites et notamment, celle des religions. En definitive, loin de chercher a apporter des solutions aux problemes actuels du liban, (tache on ne peut plus noble, mais qui risquait bien de nous depasser). On a cherche a savoir pourquoi. . .