Dire le chant : anthropologie sociale des gitans de jerez de la frontera, andalousie
Paris, EHESSDisciplines:
Abstract EN:
The thesis is presented as a monography of the gypsy community of jerez de la frontera (andalusia). After having given the principal indications which allow this population to be placed in its context (history, economy, family structure, etc. ) their mythology is studied. A first analysis then tends to show that these gypsys, in spite of their interbreeding, are spread between two communities in two areas of the town, santiago and san miguel, each with a specific way of life, which is shown particularly through the practice of their dancing and singing during holy week and family gatherings. While appearing chaotic, these celebrations are actually organized rituals which allow access to the social and religious thinking of the gypsys. These are founded on a system where danse and song assure cohesion between men and women, between the present and the past generations, between the living and the dead as well as between the two communities.
Abstract FR:
La these se presente comme une monographie de la communaute des gitans de jerez de la frontera (andalousie). Apres avoir donne les principales indications permettant de situer cette population (histoire, economie, structure familiale, etc. ), leur mythologie est etudiee, puis une premiere analyse tend a montrer que ces gitans, malgre leur pratique du metissage, se repartissent en deux communautes de quartier, santiago et san miguel, revendiquant chacune un mode de vie specifique. Celui-ci se revele tout particulierement au travers de leur pratique de la danse et du chant pendant la semaine sainte et les fetes familiales. Malgre leur apparence chaotique, les rejouissances qui ont lieu dans ces occasions se presentent en effet comme une suite de rituels organises qui donnent acces a la pensee sociale et religieuse des gitans, ceux ci se fondent ainsi sur un systeme de pensee ou la danse et le chant assurent la cohesion entre hommes et femmes, entre nouvelles et anciennes generations, entre vivants et morts, ainsi qu'entre communautes de quartier.