
Le Système coréen de parenté : de l'indifférenciation à la patrilinéarité

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1991



Paris, EHESS



Abstract EN:

According to our studies on the ancient documents, the ancient korean kinship system appears the cognatic system. Our field works suggest that the present system is patrilineal. The ancient cognatic system has been modified by the implantation of the ethics of the confucian ideology, such as the ancestor worship and the mourning system. Therefore, we could conclude that the confucian ideology has superposed on the ancient system so that the korean system has acquired its present identity. This evolutionis also examined in the analysis of the kinship terminology. The korean terminology appears in three aspects: the korean terms, the sino-korean terms and the mixed terms. The relations between these three aspects reveal the evolution of the korean kinship system from the bilateral to the patrilineal.

Abstract FR:

Le systeme ancien de parente coreenne se presente, d'apres nos etudes sur les anciens documents, comme le systeme indifferencie. Mais le systeme actuel reste, selon nos enquetes de terrain, patrilineaire. Le systeme indifferencie de la coree antique a ete modifie par l'implantation des instruments ethiques de l'ideologie confuceenne tels que le culte rendu aux ancetres et le systeme du deuil. On peut donc conclure qu'au systeme ancien s'est superpose l'ideologie confuceenne de telle sorte que le systeme coreen a acquis son identite actuelle. Cette evolution se verifie dans les analyses de la nomenclature de parente. La terminologie de parente coreenne se presente sous trois aspects: les termes coreens, les termes sino-coreens et les termes mixtes. Les relations entre ces trois aspects revelent l'evolution du systeme coreen de l'indifferenciation a la patrilinearite.