L'emirat de l'adrar : histoire et anthropologie d'une societe tribale du sahara occidental
Paris, EHESSDisciplines:
Abstract EN:
The adrar emirate is one of the four emirates settled in mauriatnia since the end of the xviith century. This monographic study combinates the approaches and methods of history and anthropology. In the first part we analyze the categories of the pre-emiral society and the foundations of the emirate. In the second part are described the constitution and political and social organization of the adrar emirate. In the third part we study the evolution, during the xixth century of the "civil society", impregnated of the islamic values. The fourth part discusses with the french colonial conquest. The object of this thesis is to contribute towards studying the political formations of tribal, pastoral and nomadic saharan societies.
Abstract FR:
L'emirat de l'adrar est l'un des quatre emirats constitues en mauritanie depuis la fin du xvii0 siecle. L'etude monographique combine les methodes de l'histoire et de l'anthropologie. La premiere partie analyse les categories de la societe pre-emirale aux fondements de la constitution de remirat. La seconde decrit les conditions de formation et de fonctionnement de celui-ci. La troisieme etudie l'evolution, au xix0 siecle, de la societe civile, impregnee des valeurs de l'islam. La quatrieme traite de la conquete coloniale, le propos de la these est de contribuer a l'etude des formations politiques des societes tribales, pastorales et nomades sahariennes.