
Ethnométhodologie morale et grammaires génératives des moeurs : enquête théorique, suivie d'une étude factuelle de quelques principes éthiques dans un champ relationnel anisotrope

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1995



Paris 7




Abstract EN:

Problematique de la these : quels rapports l'ethnomethodologie entretient-elle avec la morale? recommande-t-elle une morale particuliere? envisage-t-elle d'en elaborer une? peut-elle s'interesser a la constitution d'une science des moeurs? l'analyse de ses principaux axiomes montre qu'ils recelent le noyau dur de morale indispensable aux interactions sociale s. L'ethnomethodologie n'a pas besoin de fonder une morale. Pour h. De luze c'est une hyper morale et, en quelque sorte, la morale des morales. Etre ethnomethodologue c'est etre moraliste.

Abstract FR:

Problematic aspect of the thesis : what kind of relationship has ethnomethodology got with ethics? does ethnomethodology recommend any particular moral? could ethnomethodology possibly elaborate one kind of moral? could ethnomethodology be concerned with building a morals science up? the thesis is composed of five parts : 1- how does h. De luze consider ethnomethodology, which is a recent science based on american sociology and which has been introduced in the french university of paris vii by yves lecerf. What are the five aspects h. De luze has found particularly attractive. 2- how does h. De luze consider anthropology and why he has chosen to get into the paris vii main stream of ethnology as it is taught by robert jaulin. 3- first enquiry field : the ethnic group of moralists so as to elaborate a definition of ethics. Ater having discorded, so far as it was unsatisfactory for him, the theories that state we have spontaneously moral feelings, a clear sighted moral conscientiousness and that morality has a natural mode of existence, after examining a set of religions civil and philosophical values, h. De luze acknowledges he has been tempted by levy bruhl's theory which lead to replace theoretical research in ethics by a morals science. But this idea has never lived up. The ethnomethodology analysis shows that in its universalitic vocation can be found the buds of its failure. H. De luze proposes to adopt levy bruhl's perspects in a slightly more modest level : in a localist prospect, and suggest to set up morals generative grammars. 4- as a test sample, h. De luze has carried-out an ethnomethodologycal enquiry, based on the reports of conversations, in the homosexual tribe which has settled down in paris 4th area. From this study could be stated that the morals of the members is constantly wawering according to the intensity of thei r sexual desire, sexual pleasure being considered as having a cathartic value. 5- the access of desire and pleasure to holiness might open wide the doors to a freedom which could not be obtained than negatively for others. The ethnomethodology in paris vii offers a solution to this problem. The analysis of the main axioms shows they reveak the hard core of an indispensable moral aspect in social interactive activities. Ethenomethodology does not need to set the bases of new ethics. For h. De luze ethnomethodology fonctions as a hyper moral, as the moral of ethics. Indeed, to be ethnomothodologist is to be a moralist.