
L'influence confessionnelle et sociale sur la pensée de Muhammad Jawad Mughnieh

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1991



Paris 7



Abstract EN:

Mughnieh is a religious man, issued of a religious family. He is born in 1904 in tayr dabba, a village near tyr in south lebanon. He has written during his life nearly sixty books covering many fields of human sciences. He died on the 18th of december 1979. Our study is divided into four parts : - the first part tackles the religious opinions of munghnieh and approaches his opinions towards foqh, legislation, confessional divisions, the role of religious men and the chiite dogma. - the second part tackles the opinions of mughnieh about morality, society, individual behaviour, family and social status. - in the third part is devoted to the political positions of the author, particularly the events in lebanon, the palestinian problem and arabism. - his philosophical opinions are studied in the fourth part. We examine more particularly his positions towards materialism and divine attributes. Briefly, we tried to analyse his ideas and convictions, insisting particularly on the original ideas - insofar as he consider himself as a social and religious reformer - and also to try to know finally if he was a modernist or a salafist|?

Abstract FR:

Mughnieh est homme de religion, issu d'une famille religieuse. Il est ne en 1904 a tayr dabba, village pres de tyr au sud liban. Il a ecrit durant sa vie, en somme, une soixantaine d'ouvrages, couvrant divers domaines des sciences humaines, avant de s'eteindre le 18 decembre 1979. Notre etude comporte quatre parties: - la premiere partie aborde les opinions religieuses de mughnieh. Sont notamment examinees la ses positions vis-a-vis du foqh, de la legislation, des divisions confessionnelles, du role des religieux et du dogme chiite. - dans la 2eme partie, il est question des opinions de mughnieh concernant la morale, la societe, le comportement individuel, la famille et l'etat civil. - la 3eme partie est consacree aux positions politiques de notre auteur, notamment en ce qui concerne les evenements du liban, la question palestinienne, et l'arabisme. - ses idees philosophiques sont etudiees dans la 4eme partie. Nous y examinons ses positions a l'egard du materialisme et des attributs divins. En effet, nous avons essaye d'analyser ses idees et ses convictions, en insistant particulierement sur ses idees originales - dans la mesure ou il se considere dans beaucoup de ses ecrits comme un reformateur social et religieux; et surtout pour savoir si mughnieh etait finalement un moderniste ou un salafiste?|